a. input_dir= /export/air20/airops/at49
b. c band dir= /export/air27/airops/at49out
c. l band dir= /export/air27/airops/at49out
d. p band dir= /export/air27/airops/at49out
e. tapeid= 04009
f. IDR=          123
g. Sitename= Usumacinta335-1
h. Job ID=           49
i. Image Length=       238000
j. Mode= ATI2P
  total number of errors found:            0
  total number of errors found:            0

Download Error file(/export/air20/airops/at49/AIR_err_file)
ATI azimuth and range offsets (/export/air27/airops/at49out/*Offsets_*)

mean       stdev      
RFI parameters used(/export/air20/airops/at49/*_par_lms.dat)
BAD LINE EXTRACTION SUMMARY(/export/air20/airops/at49/EXT_BAD.log)
 PERCENT OF LINES FIXED (caa)   0.0000000E+00

 PERCENT OF LINES FIXED (caf)   0.0000000E+00

 PERCENT OF LINES FIXED (cfa)   0.0000000E+00

 PERCENT OF LINES FIXED (cff)   0.0000000E+00

 PERCENT OF LINES FIXED (laa)   0.0000000E+00

 PERCENT OF LINES FIXED (laf)   0.0000000E+00

 PERCENT OF LINES FIXED (lfa)   0.0000000E+00

 PERCENT OF LINES FIXED (lff)   2.5209449E-03

BYTE SHIFT SUMMARY(/export/air27/airops/at49out/at0049.log):
DRIFT SUMMARY(/export/air27/airops/at49out/at0049.log):
Corr sum_avg(/export/air27/airops/at49out/*_corr_*):
Par parameters(/export/air27/airops/at49out/*_par):

                       ATI Parameter Summary for at0049
               processed with interferometric baseline caf_caa
                         Sun Sep  5 04:25:15 PDT 2004


Filename:    at0049.caf_caa_par
Description: This parameter summary file.  (ASCII)

Filename:    at0049.cppp
Description: Complete list of processing parms.  (ASCII)

Filename:    at0049.caf_caa_intf1x6
Description: Slant-Range Interferogram
Records:      1826 C*8 samples,     11942 lines

Filename:    at0049.caf_caa-uwScc1x6
Description: Slant-Range Correlation File
Records:      1826 R*4 samples,     11936 lines

Filename:    at0049.caf-az1x6
Description: Slant-Range Multilook Image caf
Records:      1826 R*4 samples,     11942 lines

Filename:    at0049.caa-az1x6
Description: Slant-Range Multilook Image caa
Records:      1826 R*4 samples,     11942 lines

Filename:    at0049.caf_caa-uwWrp-sc10x10
Description: Ground-Projected Velocity Map and Image
Records:     2x882 R*4 samples,      4469 lines

Filename:    at0049.caf_caa-uwScc-sc10x10
Description: Ground-Projected Correlation File and Image
Records:     2x882 R*4 samples,      2234 lines

Filename:    at0049.caf_caa-uwWrp-sc10x10-inc
Description: Ground-Projected Incidence Angle Map and Image
Records:     2x882 R*4 samples,      2234 lines

 Slant-Range Projection Information:

   7986.938 meters average platform altitude
   8869.189 meters range to first slant-range sample

   0.056698 meters radar wavelength

   3.331027 meters sample spacing
   3.847026 meters record spacing

   0.004488 seconds interferogram repeat time interval
   1.005352 meters/(seconds*radians) phase to velocity component conversion

Ground Map Projection Information:

 10.00 meter sample (C) spacing,
 10.00 meter record (S) spacing

 -23008.0 meters:  minimum S-coordinate in ground projected output
  23042.0 meters:  maximum S-coordinate in ground projected output
   3840.0 meters:  minimum C-coordinate in ground projected output
  12650.0 meters:  maximum C-coordinate in ground projected output

              Ground Map Coordinates
          Map Corner            Latitude Longitude
First Sample of First Record      17.144   -91.332
Last  Sample of First Record      17.521   -91.516
First Sample of Last Record       17.111   -91.408
Last  Sample of Last Record       17.488   -91.591


  This is the first flight season for which we are delivering ATI data.
The processor is still under development, and the calibration is not final.

  The current status of the processor is that only some of the calibration
parameters have been adequately determined.  In particular, there is an
arbitrary phase offset for each interferogram, and therefore an arbitrary
velocity offset in the velocity map.

  There is evidence of inadequate motion measurement and compensation,
as well as interferometric phase center alignment:  phase variations
along-track and a residual phase-ramp across the scene are seen in some
of the ATI data sets.

  Note that phase variations over land are expected due to topography:
along-track interferometric processing makes use of an elevation reference
for motion compensation.  Where this reference is not constant, there will
be motion compensation phase variations introduced.  The elevation reference
is constant over the ocean surface, so this artifact is unique to the land.

  There is no radiometric calibration for these data.

                       ATI Parameter Summary for at0049
               processed with interferometric baseline laf_laa
                         Mon Sep  6 17:03:25 PDT 2004


Filename:    at0049.laf_laa_par
Description: This parameter summary file.  (ASCII)

Filename:    at0049.lppp
Description: Complete list of processing parms.  (ASCII)

Filename:    at0049.laf_laa_intf1x7
Description: Slant-Range Interferogram
Records:      1826 C*8 samples,     11112 lines

Filename:    at0049.laf_laa-uwScc1x7
Description: Slant-Range Correlation File
Records:      1826 R*4 samples,     11108 lines

Filename:    at0049.laf-az1x7
Description: Slant-Range Multilook Image laf
Records:      1826 R*4 samples,     11112 lines

Filename:    at0049.laa-az1x7
Description: Slant-Range Multilook Image laa
Records:      1826 R*4 samples,     11112 lines

Filename:    at0049.laf_laa-uwWrp-sc10x10
Description: Ground-Projected Velocity Map and Image
Records:     2x882 R*4 samples,      3880 lines

Filename:    at0049.laf_laa-uwScc-sc10x10
Description: Ground-Projected Correlation File and Image
Records:     2x882 R*4 samples,      1940 lines

Filename:    at0049.laf_laa-uwWrp-sc10x10-inc
Description: Ground-Projected Incidence Angle Map and Image
Records:     2x882 R*4 samples,      1940 lines

 Slant-Range Projection Information:

   7987.125 meters average platform altitude
   8865.539 meters range to first slant-range sample

   0.242257 meters radar wavelength

   3.331027 meters sample spacing
   3.897523 meters record spacing

   0.046220 seconds interferogram repeat time interval
   0.417096 meters/(seconds*radians) phase to velocity component conversion

Ground Map Projection Information:

 10.00 meter sample (C) spacing,
 10.00 meter record (S) spacing

 -22172.0 meters:  minimum S-coordinate in ground projected output
  21218.0 meters:  maximum S-coordinate in ground projected output
   3832.0 meters:  minimum C-coordinate in ground projected output
  12642.0 meters:  maximum C-coordinate in ground projected output

              Ground Map Coordinates
          Map Corner            Latitude Longitude
First Sample of First Record      17.151   -91.336
Last  Sample of First Record      17.506   -91.509
First Sample of Last Record       17.118   -91.411
Last  Sample of Last Record       17.473   -91.584


  This is the first flight season for which we are delivering ATI data.
The processor is still under development, and the calibration is not final.

  The current status of the processor is that only some of the calibration
parameters have been adequately determined.  In particular, there is an
arbitrary phase offset for each interferogram, and therefore an arbitrary
velocity offset in the velocity map.

  There is evidence of inadequate motion measurement and compensation,
as well as interferometric phase center alignment:  phase variations
along-track and a residual phase-ramp across the scene are seen in some
of the ATI data sets.

  Note that phase variations over land are expected due to topography:
along-track interferometric processing makes use of an elevation reference
for motion compensation.  Where this reference is not constant, there will
be motion compensation phase variations introduced.  The elevation reference
is constant over the ocean surface, so this artifact is unique to the land.

  There is no radiometric calibration for these data.
Saving jpgs and hd*.log status(/export/air27/airops/at49out/at0049_database.log):
Tie Point History (/export/air27/airops/at49out/TIE_POINT.HIST):
GEO PEG MODIFICATION (/export/air27/airops/at49out/at0049.log):
MIS-REGISTRATION LOG (/export/air27/airops/at49out/at0049.log):
CO-REGISTRATION LOG (/export/air27/airops/at49out/at0049.log):
Validation *.corgr *.incgr (/export/air27/airops/at49out):
enter average lat
enter average lon
netscape /export/air20/airops/at49/at49_letter.htm &