AIRSAR Scene ts1531 will not be available
until 1-Aug-2004

Please refer to for more information.

Metadata for this scene follows:

SCENE ID                                                    =ts1531
Name of Flight-line                                         =borabora115-1.00012
Date of Acquistion                                          =05-AUG-00
Date of Processing                                          =28-JUL-03
Track Angle in degrees                                      =114.9
Radar Projection (for highest freq product)                 =GROUND
Width in Km(for highest freq product)                       =11.485
Length in Km(for highest freq product)                      =20.67
Range pixel spacing (in meters)(for highest freq product)   =5.0000
Azimuth pixel spacing (in meters)(for highest freq product) =5.0000
Corner 1 latitude in degrees                                =-16.6593
Corner 1 longitude in degrees                               =-151.5952
Corner 2 latitude in degrees                                =-16.565577
Corner 2 longitude in degrees                               =-151.551224
Corner 3 latitude in degrees                                =-16.643913
Corner 3 longitude in degrees                               =-151.376205
Corner 4 latitude in degrees                                =-16.737612
Corner 4 longitude in degrees                               =-151.42012
Processor version number                                    =6.38
C-band Radar Bandwidth in MHZ                               =40
L-band Radar Bandwidth in MHZ                               =40
P-band Radar Bandwidth in MHZ                               =40
AIRSAR Mode                                                 =XTI1P
C-band Polarimetric data                                    =None
L-band Polarimetric data                                    =Yes
P-band Polarimetric data                                    =Yes
C-band Cross Track Interferometric data                     =Yes
L-band Cross Track Interferometric data                     =None
C-band Along Track Interferometric data                     =None
L-band Along Track Interferometric data                     =None
Interferometry Baseline Length                              =Long
Single Frequency/Channel band 1                             =C-VV
Single Frequency/Channel band 2                             =None
Single Frequency/Channel band 3                             =None
Data Format for band 1                                      =8/16 bit
Data Format for band 2                                      =Compressed_Stokes
Data Format for band 3                                      =Compressed_Stokes
Total Data Volume in Mbytes                                 =353
Date Data is Available                                      =01-AUG-04